Sunday, April 25, 2010

Who Are You To Care?

Who are you to care about our planet? Are you worthy to be its citizen? You are one of billions of people who live on this earth. You want to make an impact. You can. Show your little act and it will influence billions. If everyone does that imagine how different this world can be now. As you speak, there is no fear of not having food for tomorrow. There is no prejudice you should suffer from others. There is assurance you will love and be loved. What do you say about making a difference? What do you want to do? Start it today and see the miracle it makes to your life. If you are afraid no one is going to support you, remember I am behind you. I am here to start all this. Little as I am, my act will influence billions for good. Join me in making good things and share it to the world. Let us make a community of people of good cause. Let us share what good things we do and support each of our members here. Tell all who take this cause what you have done and I will support you. May the good cause we do change the world.